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Lipoedema is genetically inherited, affecting mainly women and gradually develops when significant hormonal changes occur such as puberty, pregnancy and menopause. There have been studies suggesting that there may also be a link with hypermobility and extreme stress (cortisol) levels and lipoedema.
Unlike obesity Lipoedema (diseased fat) has a strong inflammatory component and cannot be easily burnt away by just diet and exercise alone, which unfortunately can lead to depression, anxiety, body dysmorphia or eating disorders. Seeking the help of a qualified Therapist in Manual Lymphatic Drainage along with a Phycologist and clinical nutritionist to assist with adapting to a Keto or an anti-inflammatory diet and regular low impact exercises such as swimming/hydrotherapy, cycling, vibration plates can be vital for a healthy mind and body.
Diagnosis of Lipoedema and lymphoedema can sometimes be misdiagnosed/confused as obesity but in certain circumstances they all can be contributing factors. There are 4 stages of Lipoedema and in the later stages (4) of Lipoedema can progress into Lipo-Lymphoedema.
There are typically two treatment options:
Remember to always seek medical advice before embarking on treatments, eating plans or exercise routines.
For more information about Lipoedema click www.lipoedemaaustralia.com.au
Our lymphoedema therapist is trained to provide Complex Decongestive Therapy (CDT) and this ensures patients affected by lymphoedema or Lipoedema piece of mind knowing our focus is to empower patients to manage their chronic conditions.
Treatments may include:
Treatment may also include the use of low-level laser therapy or pneumatic compression pump therapy.
If you have any questions or concerns about lymphoedema, please contact our lymphoedema therapists on 0416 215 531.
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