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    Lymphoedema Therapy
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    Lymphoedema Therapy

    What is Lymphoedema?

    Lymphoedema is the build-up of protein rich fluid which can occur in any part of the body particularly the arm, leg, breast, trunk and genitals and is a common side effect/complication of cancer treatments.

    The increase in fluid is due to a malformation in the lymphatic system (Primary Lymphoedema), or damage to the lymphatic system caused by trauma, infection, surgery, cancer treatment, radiotherapy or lymph node removal (Secondary Lymphoedema).

    This swelling can be difficult to manage if left untreated and can lead to other problems such as increased pain, skin changes or cellulitis (infections) and reduced function.

    Who is at risk of Lymphoedema?
    • People who have had surgery and/or removal of lymph nodes
    • Those who have had radiotherapy cancer treatment
    • People who have had a trauma or injury to the lymphatic system
    • People with chronic cellulitis from wounds or infections
    • Cancer patients primarily – breast, melanoma, gynaecological and prostate
    • Increased Body Mass Index (BMI) and immobility
    Signs and Symptoms
    • Intermittent/Constant Asymmetrical (one sided) swelling more than 3 months with pitting of any part of the body
    • Heaviness, tightness, stiffness or fullness of a limb
    • Aching or pain in the swollen area
    • Clothing, shoes or jewellery may feel tighter
    Other conditions related to lymphoedema
    • Axillary Cording
    • Leaking limbs (Lymphorrhea)
    • Muscle weakness
    • Restricted range of movement
    • Scar tightness


    For more information please click the following link: or

    Management of Lymphoedema/Lipoedema

    Our lymphoedema therapist is trained to provide Complex Decongestive Therapy (CDT) and this ensures patients affected by lymphoedema or Lipoedema piece of mind knowing our focus is to empower patients to manage their chronic conditions.

    Treatments may include:

    • Assessment and education
    • Manual lymphatic drainage massage
    • Scar management and skin care
    • Kinesio taping
    • Compression bandaging
    • Prescription of exercises
    • Measurement and prescription of compression garments

    Treatment may also include the use of low-level laser therapy or pneumatic compression pump therapy.

    If you have any questions or concerns about lymphoedema, please contact our lymphoedema therapists on 0416 215 531.


    Enquire Now

    Fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

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